Saturday 18 July 2009

Space Marine Fast Attack Force

Sorry for the lack of posts guys, been crazy busy.

I inherited some Bikers from a friend who has stopped collecting, and I am thoroughly fed up of painting Imperial Fists so made a Fast Attack Detachment of a new Chapter using Ravenwing heraldry but Eagle Warriors colours. The Chapter is yet un-named, thinking along the lines of Eagle Guard, but of course am open to suggestions.

The bikes & speeders will be used on loan to my Imperial Fists, but I also want to be able to field them as an all mounted force on their own.

The question I ask here, is wether to go for a regular Marine Army taken from Codex: Space Marines led by a Captain on a bike allowing me to take bike squads of 5+ as Troops, or to go down the route of the Dark Angels Ravenwing. I don't want to use the Jetbike version of Sammael as I feel that he's on too unique a vehicle to be duplicated, so only the Speeder version is available to me.

I do like the idea of having a couple of Land Speeders as troops, but of course being vehicles still won't be able to score. Anyone have any advice or thoughts as to which route I should go down?

Here's a pic of my sole painted biker so far: