Wednesday 30 December 2009

"It has a name..."

Happy Christmas all,

Sorry for the absence, will be making a better effort going into the New Year of making regular contributions to this (is my NY Resolution in fact).

The mysterious blue/white chapter now has a name... The Sons of Dorn

Hailing from Rogal Dorn's home planet of Inwit, they adopt the Imperial Fist logo and Chapter Tactics, and as all Marines are taken from this planet, they claim to be true "Sons of Dorn" unlike the Imperial Fists, who for the most part, hail from Terra.

Here is a pic of a Land Raider Prometheus painted in their colours.

I've not yet got any Troops choices painted up in their colours (I will be repainting all my imperial Fists to Sons of Dorn colours) so their Painted Force is not yet legal.

On to the main reason as to why I'm kick starting this blog once more.... Santa brought me a Mars Warhound Titan :-D

At this stage, however, it resembles a destroyed AT-ST from Return of the Jedi I will be posting pics of how I got to where I am, and any hints I can give anyone else fortunate enough to be granted permission from the Fabricator General to field one of these awesome Warmachines.

Until the New Year,

May the Emperor Protect

Saturday 18 July 2009

Space Marine Fast Attack Force

Sorry for the lack of posts guys, been crazy busy.

I inherited some Bikers from a friend who has stopped collecting, and I am thoroughly fed up of painting Imperial Fists so made a Fast Attack Detachment of a new Chapter using Ravenwing heraldry but Eagle Warriors colours. The Chapter is yet un-named, thinking along the lines of Eagle Guard, but of course am open to suggestions.

The bikes & speeders will be used on loan to my Imperial Fists, but I also want to be able to field them as an all mounted force on their own.

The question I ask here, is wether to go for a regular Marine Army taken from Codex: Space Marines led by a Captain on a bike allowing me to take bike squads of 5+ as Troops, or to go down the route of the Dark Angels Ravenwing. I don't want to use the Jetbike version of Sammael as I feel that he's on too unique a vehicle to be duplicated, so only the Speeder version is available to me.

I do like the idea of having a couple of Land Speeders as troops, but of course being vehicles still won't be able to score. Anyone have any advice or thoughts as to which route I should go down?

Here's a pic of my sole painted biker so far:

Monday 4 May 2009

Imperial Guard

Well, the codex has been out for a couple days now, not read the fluff/background yet - I went straight for the juicy rules!

I have to say - what a fantastic Codex. Every choice is fantastic, I really don't feel like there's any "dead weight" in the book.

As I start building my lists, and amending my current army to fit the new Organisation I'll be posting them up.

For now, here's my shiny new Valkyrie with Lascannon and Missiles. This is a fantastic kit, the size of it is very impressive and a Guardsmen can actually fit inside which seems to be rare for transport vehicles these days - but I had to glue the door shut as it won't stay closed on it's own! D'oh!

Sunday 26 April 2009

Stomp tha Stompa!

Hello all,

Got a little update on my successful "Stomp tha Stompa" mission I played a fortnight ago.

Once again, I took Chaos Daemons as out of all the Armies I play, I felt they had the most chance for success.

Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, The Prince of Perversion Gold'uust
10 Plaguebearers
10 Bloodletters
10 Pink Horrors
2 Fiends of Slaanesh
2 Bloodcrushers
2 Daemon Princes, 1 Nurgle, 1 Tzeentch
1 Soul Grinder

I've never rolled a 3+ for Daemonic Assault and this time was no different... but then I'm yet to lose with Daemons, so what does that tell you! All hail the Ruinous Powers!

The opposition army, obviously, was Orks.

Didn't take a huge amount of casualties early, but I did lose the Soul Grinder first turn to deffkoptas! GRRR! Never had a Defiler "chassis" vehicle do anything, wether it be a Defiler, Soul Grinder or a Brass Scorpion made from 2 of the ruddy things! <---- Any help/advice on how best to use these things would be much appreciated.

I found a new amount of love for Fiends as they charged a mob of boyz and just completly tore through them! Terrifying on the charge, as I don't have many Elites, I may in future split these up so they can both have Unholy Might. Finally brought down when Bikerz joined the fray.

I managed to get a couple "Bolts of Tzeentch" off on the Stompa but I rolled so poorly for my penetration rolls, the Stompa then assaulted them and killed all bar 1 in one phase with a Stomp Attack! I just can't make those saves!

Ku'Gath and the Daemon Princes marched pretty much unopposed through the Ork army, managing to shoot to death Nobs and the Warboss. I was very lucky, however, with the rolld for the Super-Dakka-Blasta, rolling double 5 for the first shots which caused enough damage on my Bloodletters mind.

The MCs then marched up to the Stompa and beat him down, over 2 turns, I managed to disable all his weapons both times so his return fire was very limited, Gold'uust in the end did it in the end, inflicting 5 pentrating hits on his own, and rolling very well.

As always, comments welcome, and any help on the Defiler/Soul Grinder issue would be much appreciated.

Friday 10 April 2009

This week I've mainly been working on....

Hey folks,

The last fortnight or so I've been slaving over some Slaanesh Daemons for my 40k Daemons army. This has included, 2 Fiends of Slaanesh, A Herald (using the Masque miniature) in a Chariot and a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh. I've used the Fiends to pull the Chariot, but they can be removed so if I wish to field them as a unit I can do so. The Chariot itselft just needs a Slaanesh icon added to the front, then I will be posting that on here also.

The Greater Daemon, who I've named Gold'uust, can be seen to the left. My painting style can be fairly "cartoony" using bold colours and little shading, but on the table top looks pretty reasonable. I hardly use any normal paints, and mainly stick to the "Foundation" range by Citadel, this is mainly for speed.

Any thoughts, please post away.

Friday 20 March 2009

Apocalypse: How much, is TOO much?

Hey folks,

In my tiny gaming circle (3 of us) we have two forces of around 20k points, one Loyalist (Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Imperial Fists & Dark Angels) and one Traitor/Xenos (Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines of Black Legion, Thousand Sons, Death Guard & traitorous "Sons of Medusa", plus a few k of Orks).

I've recently been thinking of acquiring a Loyalist Warhound Titan, which my Apocalypse opponent isn't up for at all. Despite he now has Zarakynal, An'ggrath, Scabiethrax, a Stompa, a fighta-bomma & a Brass Scorpion at his disposal, up against my Baneblade & Stormlord/Shadowsword.

So, where do we draw the line? Personally, I'd say a Titan is in the same league as a Stompa, both being Super Heavy Walkers after all, one has more firepower, the other, more bite in CC. The Stompa even has a "Titan Close Combat Weapon" for crying out loud!

Do we think, a Warhound can influence a game of that size to warrant it's non-inclusion? It'll take some stopping, but then so will the other Gargantuan Creatures/Super Heavies on the table!

I certainly wouldn't enjoy facing one myself if I was in his position, but you have to deal with these things in the best way you can with the list you have.

Anyone have any experience with using Titans?

Please, let me know your thoughts.

Sunday 8 March 2009

1400pt vs Nids.... This time I took Daemons

Had my 2nd encounter against a Nid swarm yesterday,

My list:
Skulltaker with 10 Bloodletters
14 Plaguebearers
2 Bloodcrushers

10 Daemonettes
9 Horrors (+ Changling)

To start with the Gods were against me rolling a 1 for which group will Daemon Assault so started out with Ku'Gath, Daemonettes & Horrors; naturally the first turn was a little quiet, although I did manage to get a Nurgling base out of it.
Got blasted in the opposing turn, losing a wound on Ku'Gath from a Venom Cannon, most others were still out of range though.

Skulltaker turned up in Turn 2 with his Bloodletters which I positioned over on the left flank ready to munch through the opposing Termagants and Hive Tyrant with, now 2, Nurgling bases.
Horrors moved on up the right with Daemonettes with Ku'Gath going up the middle.

Then the wretched Lictor arrived with 3 Ravenors. Raveners chewed through 6 Bloodletters and the Lictor and a Carnifex charged Ku'Gath. Ku'Gath lost a few wounds from the 'Fex, before destroying the Lictor and wounding the Carnifex. My Nurglings positioned themselves into the way of the Termagants so Skulltaker could avenge the deaths of his Bloodletters, which he promptly did. The Nurglings put up a great fight against the 'Gaunts, holding them up for the rest of the game - and even eradicating them in the end!

The Daemonettes moved on up to engage the Hormagaunts, with the Horrors in support and the all bar 1 fell to the Horrors Warpfire before being torn to shreds by the ensuing Daemonettes.

The Tyranid Warriors and Carnifex then moved in on the Daemonettes along with the 'Stealers which were steadily moving on. I somehow forgot Daemonettes were I 6 and let him attack first... I didn't survive!

The 'Stealers were annihilated by the Horrors next turn however. The Plaguebearers then arrived, tearing through the Immaterium to appear just in front of Ku'Gath to give the wounded Herald a shield against the remaining Warriors and approaching Tyrant.

The Warriors were felled by a combination of Warpfire, Necrotic Missiles and Ku'Gath's combat attacks, the Tyrant and Carnifex ploughed into the PlagueBearers, who were pretty resilient, and survived enough for Skulltaker & Ku'Gath to come in and finish them off.

Last time I fought 'Nids I took Chaos Space Marines, and 2 Lascannons just wasn't enough to fell the Big Beasties, this time with Rending and poisoned weapons things went much better.

That's all for now... back to assembling the monsterous Stormlord which I hope I have magnets strong enough so I can make all 6 out of 1 kit at will...