Hello all,
Got a little update on my successful "Stomp tha Stompa" mission I played a fortnight ago.
Once again, I took Chaos Daemons as out of all the Armies I play, I felt they had the most chance for success.
Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, The Prince of Perversion Gold'uust
10 Plaguebearers
10 Bloodletters
10 Pink Horrors
2 Fiends of Slaanesh
2 Bloodcrushers
2 Daemon Princes, 1 Nurgle, 1 Tzeentch
1 Soul Grinder
I've never rolled a 3+ for Daemonic Assault and this time was no different... but then I'm yet to lose with Daemons, so what does that tell you! All hail the Ruinous Powers!
The opposition army, obviously, was Orks.
Didn't take a huge amount of casualties early, but I did lose the Soul Grinder first turn to deffkoptas! GRRR! Never had a Defiler "chassis" vehicle do anything, wether it be a Defiler, Soul Grinder or a Brass Scorpion made from 2 of the ruddy things! <---- Any help/advice on how best to use these things would be much appreciated.
I found a new amount of love for Fiends as they charged a mob of boyz and just completly tore through them! Terrifying on the charge, as I don't have many Elites, I may in future split these up so they can both have Unholy Might. Finally brought down when Bikerz joined the fray.
I managed to get a couple "Bolts of Tzeentch" off on the Stompa but I rolled so poorly for my penetration rolls, the Stompa then assaulted them and killed all bar 1 in one phase with a Stomp Attack! I just can't make those saves!
Ku'Gath and the Daemon Princes marched pretty much unopposed through the Ork army, managing to shoot to death Nobs and the Warboss. I was very lucky, however, with the rolld for the Super-Dakka-Blasta, rolling double 5 for the first shots which caused enough damage on my Bloodletters mind.
The MCs then marched up to the Stompa and beat him down, over 2 turns, I managed to disable all his weapons both times so his return fire was very limited, Gold'uust in the end did it in the end, inflicting 5 pentrating hits on his own, and rolling very well.
As always, comments welcome, and any help on the Defiler/Soul Grinder issue would be much appreciated.